Cartographie des migrations vers l’europe : point de vue critique – jeudi 17 janvier 2019

Mapping Migration to Europe: A Counter-Cartographic Perspective –  PaulAdams, géographe et professeur en Urban Studies à l’université du Texas à Austin (
le 17 janvier 2019, de 15hà 17h à Lyon2 – batiment Gaîa – G219, 86 rue Pasteur
Coordinatrice : Claire Cunty (

The migration map is a familiar cartographic genre. Since a wave of immigration in 2015,

European media have featured many such maps illustrating flows of human bodies converging on Europe across land and water from south and east in particular. Viewed as cartographic performances, these maps reveal a deep-seated ambivalence. This can be stated as ambivalence about Europe’s integrity, whether “integrity” implies territorial containment and clear distinctions between Us and Them, or universalizing ideals that rise above dichotomized worldviews. The first objective of this talk is to trace this European ambivalence across a range of different maps. The second objective is to explore alternative visualizations of interregional human movements. News media, non-governmental organizations, research teams, book authors, private companies, and entertainment media from several European countries provide a range of alternative visualizations that reveal spatial trajectories and the risks immigrants face.